Jim Mason begins this three-session interview discussing his experiences growing up on a farm in Missouri during the 1950s. He analyzes at length the rural outlooks on animals, including in … READ MORE
The November/December 2019 issue of The Animals Voice Magazine featured the cover story, “Three Wise Men,” profiling three animals activists making tremendous contributions toward the improvement of animals’ lives. The … READ MORE
I think a lot of people see veganism as extreme, as some sort of cult practice. Although, I think this has more to do with the meat-eater mentality than it … READ MORE
An Interview With Jim Mason By Claudette Vaughan
First published in ‘Vegan Voice’
Jim Mason is a high-profile person in the animal rights movement who makes a definite connection between non-human animal … READ MORE
An Interview with Jim Mason
from No Compromise Issue 21
Jim Mason is a pioneering author within the animal liberation movement. In 1980, he co-authored Animal Factories with Peter Singer, which … READ MORE
An Interview With Jim Mason Thanks for doing this! Here are the interview questions:
In An Unnatural Order you talk about dominionism. What exactly is dominionism?
It is the worldview of the … READ MORE