There is a cooling relief in finding the source of years of anger. My anger, I am learning, goes back to those childhood years when I was being indoctrinated about animals—how they were put here … READ MORE
Animal Rights 2003 Conference Keynote Speech I want to talk to you about two themes: Domestication (the negative) and Kinship (the positive) and then close with some talk about an enlarged vision of our movement … READ MORE
(or… Our Blindspot for Animals) For over 150 years now, leading Western thinkers have been pondering The Nature Question, i.e.: What is to be our place in nature? Most of them have questioned our Western … READ MORE
Dreams of Times Bygone and Those to Come Little Boy Blue, come blow your horn.
The sheep’s in the meadow, the cow’s in the corn.
Where is the boy who looks after the sheep?
He’s under a haystack … READ MORE
The Key to Coming to Terms With Nature Conference Workshop—Animal Experimentation: Health, Environment, Law, Ethics
I have chosen to talk to you about the importance of The Animal Question. If you are wondering, the Animal Question … READ MORE
Animal Rights is in the air, so much so that the term borders on becoming a buzzword and the cause itself the latest form of radical chic. Although Lewis Gompertz, Henry S. Salt, and others … READ MORE